#18 and #19

More challenges finished. This past Monday I took my mom out for lunch and dinner and had a great girls day out. Yeah for Challenge 18 completed.

Challenge 19: On the return journey I had 22 hours stop over in Vancouver. It was my first time in the city (not counting airport stops) I took some time to explore a bit, saw the downtown. Visited a Chapters. Good times.


matthew said…
you are doing quite well at this. impressive! :)
Elizabeth said…
i'm an impressive girl
matthew said…
I'd deny it if i could
Maki said…
I don't know about Vancouver.
Is it good?
Missy said…
I"m sad to say that I don't keep up with your blog well enough to know of all the challenges you've laid before yourself, but I do know the excitement across your face when you realize you've completed one! :-) I'm glad that you are safe in Canada. I can't wait to see you soon!