Life Update

Heading to Booster in a half hour.

My car is clean.

By the end of the day I should be a quote Steph. "We'll find a name for you, for now you are The Liz"

I am The Liz. hee...hee...hee


Jo said…
ewh. booster. glad it's you and not me!
Combs said…
I've meet a lot of Elizabeth's on my journey's so far and you definatly the only that qualifies for the title...The LIZ. I have no idea what booster is, but if it's and thing like the youth rally's that we would have at the WU, I know I'd hate it. Hope to talk to you soon.
Dena said…
Liz, I found you! I see you are back in NS, I thought you were still overseas. I miss you! Hey, drop me a note and we can better catch up:
Jo said…
hey liz, how did booster weekend go?