2010 Goal Reached

I thought solving my knock-off Rubik cube would take longer. I was done by 3:30am January 2nd. On my own I doubt that I would ever have completed the challenge…unless removing the sticker's counts. But with a solving guide and four hours the impossible puzzle became possible. Yay! I've since complete the Rubik cube three more times (always with the helpful cheat sheet close by).

My new Rubik goal is to be able to solve the cube without having to look at my sheets. I'm also pondering other challenges I could accomplish this year, any suggestions?


Jon Dixon said…
I am reading the Bible in 90 days cover to cover and also reading it cover to cover in 365 with Sharalyn. I'm also planning to learn guitar.
Combs said…
I'm trying to be more regular with the gym...though I'm already very regular since I've not been there in 6 months...
Anonymous said…
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it