The Simple Woman's Daybook 21

You can find the more daybooks at Simple Woman's Daybook.
Outside my window...very dark, the sun is set and it is pitch black.
I am thinking...about a discussion at tonight's life group (small group/home group, whatever you want to call it) on transformation. Also thinking about plot holes.
I am thankful for...good food with friends.
From the kitchen...this week I'm going to try a new recipe, which should have happened last week but didn't. Any suggestions on what I should make?
I am wearing...clogs, jeans, purple tank, blue tee, and a jean jacket.
I am creating...a healthy home with the Apartment Therapy currently working on finishing a few week two challenges and starting week three. I'm also re-writing my 2009 nano novel "Across Eldamar." The Weekend Novelist Re-Writes the Novel is helping...I think it is going well.
I am going...home to be or to clean or to write. I should just go to bed.
I am reading...The Weekend Novelist Re-Writes the Novel, S is for Silence, Prayer Works, When Nothing Matters Any More, Your First Two Years of Youth Ministry, Children's Ministry in the 21st Century, and Simply Strategic Volunteers.
I am stay focused.
I am hearing...silence.
Around the house...More "Apartment Therapy" projects...week three is all about the "landing strip" how you enter you home.
One of my favorite is still light at 8pm.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
