Movie Stats: 2010
Movies Watched:
2010 -72 movies
2009 -90 movies
2008 -104 movies
Animated Movies:
2010 -10 movies
2009 -15 movies
2008 -16 movies
Movies Watched With Youth Group:
2010 -15 movies
2009 -11 movies
Highest Viewing Month
2010 - December: 14 movies
2009 - December: 19 movies
Lowest Viewing Month
2010 - November: 2 movies
2009 - November: 2 movies
Movie Goal from 2010:
I wanted to watch only 7 movies a month for a total of 84 movies.
I watched an average of 6 movies a month for a total of 72 movies.
2011 Movie Goal:
I spent much of the summer renting or borrowing from the library entire season of different TV shows. I think the movie number would have been much higher if I had counted them so I am going to keep the same 84 movies (or less this year = 7 movies a month) for another year.