The Simple Woman Daybook 146
You can find the more daybooks at Simple Woman's Blog.
Outside my window...snow covered trees. I feel bad for the trees, the snow seemed to have surprised them because many still had green leaves or had not yet dropped their leaves.
I am thinking about...sin (specifically talking with kids about sin because it is part of my lesson this morning), blogging, and my up coming week.
I am thankful for...Kim.
In the kitchen...are too many take out containers.
I am pumps (which I always found to be a strange name for a shoe), black and white patterned skirt, red tank top under about black blouse with a black mini cardigan.
I am creating...a novel about elves.
I am be writing a lot this week.
I am wondering...why some Christians have such a low view of fantasy. A week back I was looking for novel help on forums and read an intense negative reaction to Christian writing any fiction especially fantasy. The words upset me to the point I am still thinking about them.
I am reading...nothing. I have a plan about getting back into regular reading but who was I kidding. It is November. Only one thing happens in my Novembers -writing.
I am hoping...children show up to this mornings Christmas play practices.
I am looking forward to...making cards this weeks.
I am write faster.
I am hearing...the worship team upstairs (I'm in my office at the church).
Around the house...once the take out containers are dealt with the kitchen will be pretty much clean. I have some stamps and crafts to tidy up. And there is always laundry to be done. I have to stay for being half way into November I haven't totally fallen apart this year -which is a nice change.
One of my favorite things...making my daily word didn't always happen this past week but when it does it is pretty awesome.
A few plans for the rest of the week:...I have noble plays to spend the afternoon rotating between writing, tidying & laundry, and card making, I suspect I am going to lay down when I get home and sleep till later afternoon make supper and then write many words.Tomorrow's only commitment is writing group. I hope to do errands in the morning and write afternoon. Tuesday is quiet. Wednesday I had a card making workshop scheduled but at the moment no one has confirmed so it could be another quiet night of writing. Thursday is youth group. And Friday is going to be CRAZY! The 4th Annual Write-All-Night starts at 7 pm and goes till 7 am and I am the host. I love the event but at the moment I am questioning my sanity and realize how much I miss sleep.
NaNoWriMo Novel Word Count:...21,086
A Picture To Share:...NaNoEve Costume