The Simple Woman Daybook 180

FOR TODAY: August 28, 2016
You can find the more daybooks at Simple Woman's Blog.

Outside my window... night

I am thinking... organizational systems and creative projects

I am thankful... for my new church family

I am wearing... navy tee with jeans

I am creating... nothing at the moment, but I was looking at a scrapbook tonight and am thinking about adding a few pages.
I am watching... The Pretender with Mom and the 90s X-Men on Netflix

I am geeking out... on Aquaman, I picked up Aquaman 1: The Trench (New 52) last Friday night and then Aquaman 2: The Others (The New 52) on Wednesday. I am really enjoying the stories.

I played... DC Deck Building Game, Escape, and Mystery of the Abby

One of my favorite things... comic book stores. On Wednesday Sister, four of her friends, and I made a day visit to Ottawa to see every comic or game shop we could find in Ottawa. There were six stores plus a trip to a Chapters.

Verse of the week... Matthew 11:28-30 The Message
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”.
Song of the Week:... this is my favourite song right now

In the Kitchen... nothing overly exciting to talk about, I have been making mashed potatoes with a bit of Caesar dressing. Thanks Donna for the tip.

From the Garden:... it's almost time to harvest the eggplants!

A few plans for the rest of the week:...the week is pretty quiet with regular routines but we're going to visit extended family on the weekend.

Happening On The Blog:... I've been wanting to blog but there is so many little things happening that I seem to be in bed when it's time to write. I did take a few salad pictures this past week and even they didn't get uploaded. I think I need a better plan, I'm blaming the silence on summer. This week the regular series will be back: Daily Salad and Thankful Thursday. Wednesday Art is still on holiday till September. I still have the Suicide Squad review to write, my last vegan challenge post, a 35 Challenge update, and I am thinking about an article on why I like DC Comics.

A few pictures to share:...
