Day 1: The 2016 Doctor Who Christmas Countdown

It has been a quiet year for Doctor Who fans, not as silent and bleak as the years between the Seventh Doctor and the Ninth Doctor (I'm not including the Eighth Doctor's movie), but quiet none the less. I wasn't even sure if I would or could do the my annual Whovian Countdown.

My move earlier this year has lead to many good things in my life, but it almost meant I left my Whovian community. I have yet to meet anyone here with a similar or deep love for the Doctor. As I like to say, "We have a small obsession with Doctor Who....that is bigger on the inside." In the past these friends have contributed to the countdowns with ideas, reviews, top ten suggestions and sounding boards to what I was planning. How could I do a countdown this year without them or new Who?

Then I saw an ad that the theater was going to show the Christmas special on Boxing Day and I got excited. Jumping up and down, changing plans, REALLY EXCITED! And decided I want to down the countdown. I've missed the countdown and lack of new post ideas wasn't a reason to not do a Whovian countdown. So I missed the start of December, it isn't to late to start...this year it is going to be a 12 Day Countdown.

And to start here is the link for the BBC 2016 Adventure Calendar

The BBC's digital Doctor Who 2016 Adventure Calendar.
Countdown Till Christmas Special Airs: 12 sleeps
Countdown Till This Whovian (probably) sees the Christmas Special: 13 sleeps
