Day 9: Who Comedy
It's been one of those days. I needed to keep up with real life things. I have actual topic ideas and things for tomorrow's post. Right now I must focus on sermon (and stop watching Doctor Who sketches and minis). While I get life things done enjoy this. It is back from series two, and it is fun:
If you are looking for a way to keep updated on daily posts join the Whovian Christmas Special Countdown facebook group.
The BBC's official Doctor Who 2017 Adventure Calendar
Countdown Till Christmas Special Airs: 16 sleeps
Countdown Till This Whovian (probably) sees the Christmas Special: 18 sleeps
Yesterday's Countdown Post: Day 8: A Mini and Christmas Greetings
Episodes Watched: ...none
If you are looking for a way to keep updated on daily posts join the Whovian Christmas Special Countdown facebook group.
The BBC's official Doctor Who 2017 Adventure Calendar
Countdown Till Christmas Special Airs: 16 sleeps
Countdown Till This Whovian (probably) sees the Christmas Special: 18 sleeps
Yesterday's Countdown Post: Day 8: A Mini and Christmas Greetings
Episodes Watched: ...none