An Invitation to Join Another Book Study That Requires No Reading

Hello Friends, 

I would like to invite you to a book study with no required reading. The book is Sacred Pathways: Discover Your Soul's Path by Gary Thomas. "Gary Thomas details nine spiritual temperaments and--like the Enneagram and other tools do with personality--encourages you to investigate the ways you most naturally express yourself in your relationship with God. He encourages you to dig into the traits, strengths, and pitfalls in your devotional approach so you can eliminate the barriers that keep you locked into rigid methods of worship and praise."

This study will work similar to the Sacred Rhythms study. I will read the chapter. During the first part of our online gathering I will give a summary of the chapter highlighting key thoughts, quotes, and ideas that stood out to me. I'll also have questions for us to discuss the points and share our thoughts. We'll end with a practice or exercise connected to the spiritual discipline we learned about in the chapter.

This is going to be a live, online sharing discussion on Thursday nights starting at 7:30 pm. The first online meeting will be Thursday, September 24, 2020 on my Facebook. If this interests you, please sign up below by filling out the form below.
