November 40 Before 40 Update

There is only five months left of the 40 Before 40 birthday bucket-list (if you're interested in the history of birthday bucket-list challenge and this year's list, follow the link). For a number of reasons I revised the list in June to fit with 2020.   Now is a chance to see how I'm doing. I was lovingly told recently, 

"Oh love, it’s 2020. Winning has been cancelled. Try just living." -A Wise Friend 


So today we are going to celebrate the wins, make plans on what is still possible, and give grace for the challenges that just will not happen. I've included a pie chart below to give a visual breakdown of my progress. This is the challenge legend I am using to track my progress:

Challenge Legend:
Black =have not started
Green =just started or have a plan
Blue =in progress and success is possible
Purple =VICTORY!

01) Get Married
Success! July 10th, just three months, two weeks and two days ago, Alex and I said "I do" and life will never be the same again (in a good way). I'm enjoying our new normal.

02) Read the whole Bible...again.
I'm behind, going slower. I might not be finished the whole Bible in 2020 but will probably have it finished before April. I had a pattern this summer where I would listen to the reading on my early morning walks but I haven't been going on those the past two months and it really changed my routine. I miss the morning walk but my energy levels have been low.

03) Earn 300 Crowns in Spanish Duolingo
I've been working away at the Spanish daily. My crown total is 172. I am still enjoying using Duolingo. They added more lessons and changed the levels again and how many lessons are needed to earn a star. I am not sure I will make the 300 crowns but I recognize that I am doing more language study this year than I would have if I had not had the challenge on this list. So regardless of completion this is still a win.

04) Make a life time bucket list.
This is one of the original challenges from the first version of the 40 Before 40. About four years ago I made the list knowing that some of my bigger goals would take more than a year. It also meant that some of these were completed awhile ago. You can find the lifetime bucket list here. I'm thinking I might want to revise it before the end of this year.

05) Have a get out of debt plan...and use it
The plan has been started, progress is happening. The next big step for me is to avoid looking at kickstarter. It is my current spending weakness. Thanks to covid most of my other overspending habits  has been curbed this year.

06) Write about Grace.
I forgot I was going to write about Grace for NaNoWriMo this year. Thankfully November isn't over yet and I have words still needing to be written.

07) Break a bad habit.
I'm focusing on breaking my bad habit of nail biting. I was going well on my last update. It has been going less well since the fall. Not horrible. I am just catching myself biting more often these days compared to earlier this year. There are three difference between then and are now that I have noticed: 1) I haven't been thinking about breaking the habit as much so I haven't been intentional about not biting my nails. 2) I haven't been painting my nails. Putting time and effort it to a manicure definitely encouraged me to try and make it last. 3) this fall has been hard, 2020 is taking a toll, and I've noticed I'm struggling making it easier to fall of old habits like nail biting.

08) Complete the 10 x 10 Game Challenge
The 10 x 10 is the goal to play ten different games ten times each. Alex and I chosen seven of our ten games for far: Splendor (4), Villainous (4), Sagrada (10), Roam (6), Targi (5), Forbidden Island (3), and the DC Deck Building Game (1) for a total of 33 plays.

09) Hug Micky Mouse.
We made our Disney plans in January, before covid-19 was a thing. On my last update we were hoping we could still go on the trip. We have since cancelled our reservations. I'm disappointed. It was going to be our make-up honeymoon after having to postpone our original wedding plans. Its just sad. But it is also okay. And there will be other travels in the near-distant "someday" of "after" And what good days to look forward to.

I gave myself permission to swap this challenge out for my challenge (found at the end of the list). I still might.

10) Meet a Geek Hero.
This happened last year at Comic Con (the same day I met Alex in line waiting for a panel). The actress was the elegant and delightful Gina Torres. It was an unexpected encounter. I don't think I ever blogged about it. If you want to hear the story leave a comment.

11) See more of Canada.
In the past three years I have had the opportunity to visit BC, Manitoba, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia and visited my first territory, Yukon. I would still like to see more but for this challenge I count this a win!

12) Explore Ottawa.
When I set this goal in 2017 there were are few things I wanted to do:
1) Skate on the Rideau Canal -CHECK -Alex and I did this January, well we walked it because the ice was too slushy but it counts.
 2) Tour the Parliament buildings -CHECK -Friends and I went just before they shut down the buildings for renovations. Good thing we went when we did. The center building will be closed to the public for ten years.
3) Visit the National Gallery -CHECK -Alex and I went last year around this time

The only "Ottawa" event that hasn't happened was watch the Canada Day fireworks on the Hill but that couldn't happen this year.

13) Attend a Festival.
Triple success, Alex and I went to a Japanese cultural festival last year, the Winterlude festival this February, and the Tulip Festival in the spring.

14) Achieve four cosplay dreams.

The list of cosplay dreams have been posted. That might be all that happens this year. I've gathered supplies for two of the dreams but half my joy is in preparing for a specific event. I haven't been really motived to make a costume just because.

15) Try a capsule wardrobe for a season.
My plan is to do winter capsule wardrobe for February. I'm waiting for a book from the library on the subject and I've watched a number of videos on the topic. I think one of the challenges for me is not going out and just buying a new 14 piece wardrobe for the month. I want to use mostly things I already have.

16) Try something new.
The something new that earned the victory was Pho. There were many, many other new things tried in the past four years I don't think I could list them all, but pho was the first.

17) Take a class/course.
Last fall I did a shield maiden course that taught sword fighting. In the effort to be a continual learn I have also signed up for Skill Share and done a few courses.

18) (Attempt to) Publish a story.
Not yet. And might not happen this year.

19) Bake something new.
Alex and I have made bread bread, herb bread, cheese bread, and cinnamon loaf.

20) Do something extreme.
The things I was considering were indoor sky diving or rock climbing are still on hold because of covid. This might not be the year they happen.

21) Cook the family a Thanksgiving feast from scratch.

It happened last month (Canadian Thanksgiving) with Alex's help. The meal was well received, so much so, we've been told we can cook Thanksgiving dinner again next year. For those that are worried: it was a small gathering, following health protocols for my area at the time. 

22) Memorize 40 new verses.
Since 2017 I've memorized 45 new verses. I've been using the Bible Verse app to keep practicing. I am needing to do more review. But I did learn the verses. 

23) Read 40 Books.
I'm over the half way point! Which is good because I have less than half a year left. So far I've read 29 books this year.

24) Read a book on Theology.
I have a list of books...not actually started any yet.

25) Reread the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings.
The next book on my reading list is The Hobbit, but it won't be till after NaNoWriMo.

26) Reread Narnia and more C.S. Lewis.
I finished the Chronicles of Narnia in August. I'm trying to decide on other C.S. Lewis books I want to read. My thinking is the Screwtape Letters, Till We Have Faces, and maybe Mere Christianity. Another option is the Four Loves. What do you think?
27) Give the blog a make over.
I gave the blog a makeover around January. It was both an aesthetic and template change. I am not sure I like the new template. The navigation I find a bit frustrating; I don't like that you can't easily go from a single post to another post. Maybe it is time for another change?

28) Finish a project.
I have a project in mind. I made dice bags for my D&D group about three years ago. I wanted to add a cloth lining and draw string. I bought the materials, set it aside to do after Christmas...and never picked the project again. Last review update said I was "going to finish them before Christmas this year." We'll see. I haven't actually done anything with them yet.

29) Knit a sweater.
I haven't even looked at patterns and at this point it is a good sign this won't be happening. I'm okay with that. I picked up knitting needles about a week ago to start a Christmas gift project. 

I've noticed something about myself a few years ago, just before I was diagnosed as ADHD, that I cycle through my hobbies. I have interest in many types of crafts and other pastimes but I only focus on one or two at a time or a craft season. A craft season could last a month, a project, or two years. While in that season that hobby is what I am about. Then I just lose interest. I still like the thing but it has lost my attention, for now, and any ongoing projects get shelved and I dive into the new (or returning interest) with gusto. It also makes me feel bad about all the things left undone and requires a very large craft space. 

Knitting has been "out of season" lately. The start of an inspired gift (I loved the feel of the yarn I'm using) has brought knitting back into season. If it lasts I might get to a sweater. If I even get the garment cast on I will count it as a win.

30) Establish a Morning Routine.
Alex and I have got the start of a routine that works for us. On our best mornings we're waking at six for an early morning walk, regular preparation, and breakfast. On our not great days we sleep in and skip the walk. There are a few things I am wanting to add to our habits: morning prayer, Scripture reading, stretching, and possibly a short weight routine.

31) Establish a Night Routine.
This routine has been a bit harder to establish because we're not able to consistently begin the routine at the same time. We have been ending our day with an extra long walk which includes time to talk about the next day's to do list and the spiritual practice of examen. We also are reading a book together and doing a devotional before preparing for bed.

32) Practice Contemplative Spirituality.
I feel like this is the type of goal that is always on going.

33) Keep a Food Journal for 30 Days.
I've been using Avatar Nutrition since January to track my food and monitor my health progress.

34) 30 Days of Journaling.
I did this earlier this year but feel I need to try it again.

35) 30 Days of No Sugar.
Alex and I did this last year.

36) 30 Days of Art.
Not yet

37) 30 Days of Hair.
This was completed in June.

38) 30 Days of Makeup.
This was successfully completed in April.

39) 100 Days of Dance.
Alex and I have been taking dance lessons on Sunday. With a few practice days in the mix I've got my first nine days of dance.

40) Do Something with the Canvas!
Still no plans

New BONUS GOAL: Virtually Hike the Cameo
I've been on a virtual Camino de Santiago "walk" since July 25, 2020. The journey total is 773.9km. So far I've walk 545.0 km . I'm over 70% finished. Only 228.9 km left to walk!

When I signed up I had set my goal to walk the distance in 15 weeks. During the summer it was easy to keep up with that pace. As I mentioned in the Bible reading goal, I haven't been walking in the morning. So I've revised the timeline, I now have an addition ten weeks and an end date of January 16th. 
Progress Thoughts:
In the July update I said that I was feeling optimistic; I still am. This has been a difficult year. There are days depression kicks my butt and getting out of bed is the biggest win. On days like that it is hard to see any progress. The darkness says it is hopeless and there is no point. 

Depression lies. I am thankful that I decided to review my progress. It has given me hope and a clearer picture of what has been happening. This has been a challenging year. There are things that can't happen as we'd planned or expected but there has been good too. I choose today to celebrate the good. 

I got married! I have read books I enjoy, walked more than I would any other year, I've tried new things, enjoyed good bread, played games, and more than that I've loved my life. I think that is the biggest win.

The next challenge review will be at the January 26.
