June's Look at the 40 While 40
This month I have made progress on more of the challenges AND filmed the 40 While 40 introduction video. The intention is to edit down the eight hours of footage (two camera angles) so that I will have a fun take on the reason for each of the goals and what success looks like. Goal will be to have it edited for next months look. I am tentatively optimistic this could happen.
Then I remind myself we're going on vacation for the first ten days and then moving to our new place a week later. July is going to be a very full month, the intro video might need to wait until August.
Let's take a closer look at how the 40 challenges are going.
Challenge Legend:
Black =have not started
Green =just started or have a plan
Blue =in progress and success is possible
Purple =VICTORY!
6. Master the Charleston dance.
7. Walk to Lothlorien (virtually with the Walk to Mordor app).
9. Complete a virtual Mount Fuji climb.
We have already paid for this challenge but are waiting till the colder weather to start the adventure.
25. Try all of Baskin Robins Flavours of the Month.
June's flavour has been tried. Two tasted ten to go.
28. Make a gnome home.
29. Sew a dress or a circle skirt.
30. Paint the Humblewood miniatures.
34. Complete all the Escape quests.
35. Finish Season One of Pandemic Legacy.
36. Truly participate in NaNoWriMo 2021.
A Few Thoughts:
1) I am so pleased! This year's challenge is still going so well. There is a 20% increase in goals started and I am growing in confidence that this could be the year that I finish my whole list.
Black =have not started
Green =just started or have a plan
Blue =in progress and success is possible
Purple =VICTORY!
1. Go on a Spiritual Retreat.
2. Practice Sabbath Keeping 40 times.
We have had five days of Sabbath keeping this year.
3. Finish reading through the Bible.
I have 156 days left to read.
I have 156 days left to read.
4. Write 40 sermons/sermon outlines.
I preached earlier this month, giving me my one sermon out of forty.
5. Memorize 40 new Scripture verses.
I have memorized 11 new verses since my birthday.
6. Master the Charleston dance.
I've worked on my basic step a few times and have followed a tutorial on how to get the swivel right. It is looking rough but it is a start.
7. Walk to Lothlorien (virtually with the Walk to Mordor app).
We have made it to Midgewater Marshes (West). The next big milestone that people will know is Weathertop (only 104 km away) and we are 20.49% of the way to Lothlorien (1094 km to go).
8. Walk a virtual walk of the Cabot Trail.
We have finished 94% or 282.3 km completed with only 17.1 km to go! We'll be done before next month.
9. Complete a virtual Mount Fuji climb.
We have already paid for this challenge but are waiting till the colder weather to start the adventure.
10. Go on a 15km+ Hike.
11. Reach my XBX level. (Which is Level 22)
I was moving on to level 4 when I realized that one of the warm up exercise was giving me pain in my shoulder. I am letting myself recover. When I start again in August I am going to find an alternative to a few of the program's exercises.
I was moving on to level 4 when I realized that one of the warm up exercise was giving me pain in my shoulder. I am letting myself recover. When I start again in August I am going to find an alternative to a few of the program's exercises.
12. Sleep in a tent or under the stars and/or take a road trip someplace Alex and I have never been.
We leave on this adventure soon! It is going to be a road trip to a place neither Alex and I have ever been and we'll be staying in a tent. It's a double win.
We leave on this adventure soon! It is going to be a road trip to a place neither Alex and I have ever been and we'll be staying in a tent. It's a double win.
13. Read 40 Books.
I have finished four books.
14. Make a Dopa menu.
I have done more research, rewatched the original How to ADHD video that inspired this goal. And I've played with menu templates in Canva.
15. Make Origami Animals.
Last month we made origami foxes. There have been no new animals this month.
16. Colour in my giant colouring book.
No colouring this month.
No colouring this month.
17. Work on my many scrapbook projects.
18. Send out Thank you cards.
19. Create a Christmas Card mailing list and SEND cards.
20. Host a Twelfth night party.
21. Create a Year of Memories use 1 second video.
I've been using the one second app everyday since my birthday...and we just uploaded our next First Year Married Monthly Memories video.
22. Make the “Curse Breaker” sword from Onward.
No progress since last month
23. Complete one new cosplay.
I have ordered a white makeup pot to lighten the blue I already had and I have ordered ear. Construction and other props will wait till after the move.
24. Try contact lens.
25. Try all of Baskin Robins Flavours of the Month.
June's flavour has been tried. Two tasted ten to go.
26. Stream Zelda Windwaker on Twitch.
I have been keeping up with the streaming three nights a week. There will be a two week break while we are on vacation but I'm looking forward to getting back. I am getting close to the end. Right now, I am at the big bosses' door in the wind temple. After that it will be finding the triforce pieces till I am ready to face Ganondorf.
Alex has added a scream counter to track my reactions while in the dungeons and encountering different enemies.
27. Journal Everyday.
The writing has continued. There have been a few times this month that I've had to write two or three entries at once. It still counts for me because my goal is to have an entry for every day of my year of 40. I just know thinking beyond three days will be too much.
28. Make a gnome home.
I have an location, a door, and almost a plan. Alex and I have been doing research, watching YouTube tutorials, and gathering a few supplies. Next step will be crafting.
29. Sew a dress or a circle skirt.
I have bed sheets to practice on and fabric for my project. We also got yards of a dark forest fabric for elven cloaks.
30. Paint the Humblewood miniatures.
We have the minis, the paints, and the brushes. Now we just need the time.
31. Make a D&D character journal/binder.
I have ordered a pink 6x8 scrapbook binder as well as page protectors and a few other crafty supplies for this project. Once everything arrives the complying will begin.
32. GM at a convention.
I am registered for a game convention that will hopefully happen in March 2022.
I am registered for a game convention that will hopefully happen in March 2022.
33. Play 40 different board games.
We have played 19 different board since my birthday.
34. Complete all the Escape quests.
We have completed six challenges.
35. Finish Season One of Pandemic Legacy.
36. Truly participate in NaNoWriMo 2021.
37. Try a Capsule Wardrobe for 40 Days.
38. Finish the Sweater.
There is about two inches left to knit on the sweater body, then the ribbing, and finally the two arms. I'm also nearly finished the third ball of yarn.
39. Finish the Dice Bags.
40. Paint the Canvas.
I am resolved the canvas will be painted this year, even if it is just finger painting with friends on April 25th, this is the last year "Paint Canvas" is going to be on a birthday challenge list. To help with this goal I have bought some specific acrylic paints, brushes, and seven smaller canvases to practice the technique I want to try.
A Few Thoughts:
1) I am so pleased! This year's challenge is still going so well. There is a 20% increase in goals started and I am growing in confidence that this could be the year that I finish my whole list.
2) Things might be going well but I am also noticing that the pressure to keep up with the goals has the potential to overwhelm me and that is defiantly not the goal.
3) I wonder if I should add the progress of the five bonus challenges?