Beauty Uncaptured

"I don’t think I’ve ever seen any pictures that come close to matching the evocative strength of Tolkien’s writing about Lothlórien, including my one. It is not a matter of simply translating his descriptions into pictorial form, because their strength is not so much in the pictures they conjure up as in the feelings that evoke. I think these feeling are derived from something primordial, a connection with the forest that was broken early in mankind’s development –a lost paradise that part of us still yearns for."
-Alan Lee
He did the conceptual art and set decorator for the movies.


Sarah Gomez said…
Isn't Alan Lee the professor who took Doc Taylor's position at Bethany???
jen said…
I was just going to say, Allan Lee is the Psych prof at Bethany. Weird...
Elizabeth said…
lol, sarah and jen, i thought the name seemed familiar

Cuz, i'm not surprised that you know that. i'll look at your copy this summer, if that's all right?