Thankful Thursday: 43-54
Today, actually the whole week, had been filled with stress and tears. So, after a two month hiadus Thankful Thursdays are back because they are good for my soul. I apologize, but my blessings seem to have a theme:
43. I am thankful that I still have a roof over my head and am guaranteed one for the next 88 days.My new Thankful Thursday challenge is a thousand unique blessings. You can find the weeks here: 1-31, 32-42,
44. I am thankful for the awesome blessing my low rent apartment has been the past six years. I did not realize how low the rent actually was till I started apartment hunting.
45. I am thankful that my place was pet-friendly...many are not.
46. I am thankful for my kitties who cuddle with me, at the moment they feel like the worse most expensive stupid decision I have ever made but I am glad they are in my life.
47. I am thankful for my mom who spent most of today patiently listening to my woes.
48. I am thankful for my best friend who spent last night listening to my woes and trying to motivate me to think up a positive action plan.
49. I am thankful for an acquaintance stopping me yesterday on my way to the market hugging me and reminding me that I am a strong woman and I will be able to face whatever was bothering me without knowing anything....well I do wear my emotions on my sleeve.
50. I am thankful for Hannah the Summer Student she's a blast in the office.
51. I am thankful that I get to preach on Sunday.
52. I am thankful for Kijiji for making the apartment hunting a little easier
53. I am thankful that it is berry season.
54. I am thankful that there is a solution to my problems even though I don't know what it is and God will answer my prayers.