Four Months Challenge Check Up

I've been 33 for four months today. I thought it would be a perfect chance to see how I have been doing on my 33 While 33 challenges:

  1. Choose a "My One Word" to focus my 33rd year: Abide
  2. Paint the canvas
  3. Read the whole Bible
  4. Finish 11 non-fiction books (they do not have to have been started during the year)
  5. Go some place new
  6. Serve/help/volunteer in a new way
  7. Capture Happiness every day
  8. Count my blessings
  9. Plan a trip
  10. Remember Birthdays
  11. Mail letters
  12. Visit my Grandma Stewart (the picture is an us-ie of the two of us)
  13. Build a snowman with my sister
  14. Take a hot air balloon ride with my mum
  15. Go for a hike in the woods (bonus points for more than one hike, if it is a treasure hunt, or it becomes an adventure)
  16. Create a photo book
  17. Learn a new skill
  18. Make a new friend
  19. Reconnect with past friends
  20. Dance
  21. Try a new food
  22. Draw
  23. Grow something (bonus points if it is food that I can harvest)*
  24. Be a vegetarian for 30 days
  25. Sleep under the stars
  26. Celebrate an obscure or odd "holiday"
  27. Send flowers
  28. Be flexible
  29. Get lost in a corn maze
  30. Send one of my works of fiction to a publisher
  31. Do something I've been putting off
  32. Host a murder mystery
  33. Go on a date
Seven out of thirty-three isn't a bad start. I've also working on six at the moment and plans for six others. There are a few challenges that I am not sure how they will be accomplished. Its going to be an interesting year. The next check up will be on my half birthday (October 26th).
