
The 50,000 novel writing challenge, NaNoWriMo, is done for another year!

I won with 50,220 words, two days ago, which was a first. The actual end is tonight at midnight. In past years I would still be frantically typing trying to make the goal before midnight. It is a relief to have finished early.

This was my ninth year participating. What I found exciting is that even thought the contest is over I want to keep writing. I have a few theories on the reason. First, since I did not have such an extreme typing marathon at the end I am not as physically exhausted this time around so I am more willing to keep writing. Second, I really enjoyed writing my story this year and think it has the best chance of making a good second draft. And third, it could be bunnies*.

My lack of blog post this month has been due to my NaNoWriMoing. But, I'll be back to regular blogging tomorrow. December is going to be exciting, at least for Doctor Who fans. I had such fun last year with my countdown to the Doctor Who Christmas special that I am going to repeat it this year. For those who aren't as excited about such things I will try to have some other post scattered thought out the month as well.

*I was at the cafe when I selected this clip so I had to blindly choose a clip hoping it was the one I was searching for. My apologies if for any bad quality.


Amai said…
Good clip. Looking forward to the count down.