Thankful Thursdays #12 as Written by My Sidekicks

Matthew and Aaron arrived Wednesday afternoon arguing over who was the sidekick. Matthew believed that since this was his adventure it was obvious that Aaron would be the faithful sidekick. Aaron’s option is that since he had the car, did the driving, and has the girlfriend (the hero always gets the girl) it was clear Matthew was the sidekick.

They helped me with youth Thursday night. So with the debate still going strong we took it to the kids for a vote. They agreed on their own that the boys were equals. Equal sidekicks for me (which they come up with that idea without any prompting from me).

So I have two sidekicks. Yippee. It’s a fun thought and I put them to work. Last night we were hanging out so I missed the Thankful Thursday post. So I put the sidekicks to work. The following is the list the boys came up with (things I am thankful for)…

-working keys (on laptop, the d key is missing)
-glass fish
-neighbors with cable
-a new TV
-Matthew and Aaron
-three small bowls
-rubber duckies
-the brilliance of the show “The Office”
-new Frisbees and Kickballs
-a four square court (made by the sidekicks)
-The Bulk Barn
-Sabers 4-1 victory
-two working TV stations, I could have zero

I guess I’m really thankful this week. It was a good few days with the sidekicks. I had a great time.


matthew said…
i drove part of the way back, so that eliminates that line of argumentation. plus, his car only survived on the gas that i bought. so....ha