New Start

Twenty minutes till twelve (midnight) and the youth are playing cards in the other room. The summer has been full, good, but full. Mom visited; there was the week at Beulah, our children’s ministry day camp week (VBS), two all-nighters with the youth group, an overnight in Halifax, we went camping last night, great games nights with much Catan, and some good summer movies. I’ve loved the summer. It’s just really cut into my reading and blogging time. I miss both.

I miss the writing but I struggle to have something to say. Anyone else go through that? I’ll be driving and have an idea but by the time I am sitting down at my keyboard the thought has escaped. I’ve realized that my most consistent blogging moments have been when I set a specific deadline and had a series. So I am think I’m going to bring back the system…it worked. This is my idea:

Monday: Make-It Monday
Tuesday: Cat Tales
Thursday: Thankful Thursdays
Friday: Food Fridays
Sunday: Sunday Scribbles

Not sure of what to do with Wednesday or Saturday. I’m thinking about leaving them as free days that could either be breaks from writing or open for random thoughts. I’m also thinking the Cat Tales would make a bi-weekly topic. So, I’m also open to possible themes and series suggestions. If you’ve got an idea leave a comment.

Let the regular writing commence…
See you tomorrow.


Dena said…
Sounds like a good idea! I am awful lately about blogging because I can't think of something to write, or like you, I forget it before I get to the computer. But, what are we making in 'make-it monday'? And is 'cat tales' really going to be about your cat?
Elizabeth said…
Dena, I love when you comment, thank you. I’m thinking ‘Make-it Monday’ will be mixture of projects I complete, ideas I find online, and tips I learn from others. The cat tales will continue to be the stupid things my cats do, their adventures, and pictures.
Jecca said…
i'm so glad you're writing again :)
Elizabeth said…
I love your comments to Jessica, and I have to agree. I like the writing again thing too.