Prose Project

I like writing. Yet I must confess I equally enjoy the distractions that keep me from writing. I told a friend that I had stopped editing last year’s nano-novel because of writes block. It is the truth, I can’t think of how to fix the flaws because I spend more creative energy formulating excuses for why I am not writing than on writing…

…but not any more. This week I got motivated and began to write again. This time I have a plan, because pure motivation only normally lasts me the first week of any of my self improvement goals. This is the plan -short-term goals. Monday to Friday I will write a minimum of a one page of loose leaf a day. Over the weekend the draft is then edited into a word document. Over time a novel will be finished. I would like to maybe post the weekly fiction but an nervous it won't be good.

So far…two pages have been written. I am going home to write the third now.


Unknown said…
You go Girl. put up Fiction, You've seen some of the stuff i have posted on my pirate story.