Friends Movie Review: Home

Last night Donna, Mom and I went to see Home. It is a
cute animated movie by DreamWorks about  an outcast alien Boov named Oh voiced by Sheldon Cooper (Jim Parsons) who needs the help of a human girl voiced by Rihanna.

Donna had read a negative review and wasn't sure what to expect. Mom had already seen it and was willing to see it again. And I've wanted to see it since I first saw the trailer.

To find out if it lived up to expectations keep reading, but be warned, there may be SPOILERS ahead. Also some of my responses are written in my best attempts at Boov-English. I am no apologies for this fact. Read on at your own risk.

First Thoughts:
Donna -It was the cutest movie I have ever seen.
Mom -Just as cute the second time.
Me -All of the feels. I am the happy.

The Good:
Donna -The story was simple but well told with pretty graphics. I didn't even mind the 3D glasses because it was so pretty. The cat, Pig, was animated to be the perfect cat doing all the cat behaviours and idiosyncrasies of real cats. Tip acted bravely but didn't do anything that would be impossible for a child. She was a great real person. All the people were well animated too to look like normal humans.
When Oh and Tip first meet the interactions explained the cultural differences they were both experiences. It was neat to watch. Also the Boov's technology was creative and silly but had neat rules that made sense once you watched them in action.
Mom -I liked Oh! Oh, and I thought the circular pocket to store things and the circle computer smart phones.
Me -I loved so many things about Home. It was colourful and quirky and fun. Jim Parsons was the perfect voice for Oh. And everything Oh said was awesome (if you are an English teacher or lover of proper grammar you probably will not enjoy the dialog as much). I loved that Oh turned the car into a hover craft that is powered by slushies and fires exploding tacos. I also loved everything Donna and Mom said. I thought it was an excellent movie.

Less Than Good:
Donna -I liked the movie.
-Not all the events shown in the trailer where in the movie.
Me -The first was a minor annoyance, who names their child "Gratuity"? I liked the use of the nickname "Tip" but really who would do that to their child? Also, I found the passing of time a little odd or poorly explained. It seemed like the relocation of people to Humanstown and the Boov colonization happened in one day. Later we learn that Tip's mom had been looking for her for two weeks.

Favourite Oh Quotes:
We all loved how Oh spoke, most of what he said was not remarkable in and of itself but it was the wrongness of how he said it that made it adorable. These were a few of the best that we could recall.
Donna -"Do not drink the lemonade"
Mom -"Can I come into the out?" 

Me -"Oh no! My hands are in the air like I just do not care."

Why You Should Watch Home:
Donna -It's fun all the way though like a good amusement park ride.
-It's a happy movie. I loved watching it again; it is worth seeing.
Me -It is the giving of joys.

Final Rating:
Donna -4.5 bubbles out of 5
Mom -4 Shushers out of 5
Me -4.5 flying cars out of 5
