Inconvenient Thinking
I’ve been struggling with my thought process lately; it seems to be working against me. It’s not what I am thinking that’s the problem but more when I am thinking. All my good ideas come to me at the wrong times. It’s been things like:
-coming up with bloggable ideas when I am driving or at home (no internet)
-thinking about ministry projects when I am suppose to be on personal time
-great plot developments for my story when I’m at work
-being flooded with ideas right before bed
-remembering errands when the store is closed
Often the ideas are neat and get me energized which then distracts me from what has to be done. I tried carrying a notebook with me which worked except when I was driving and until I forget the notebook. It’s very frustrating.
-coming up with bloggable ideas when I am driving or at home (no internet)
-thinking about ministry projects when I am suppose to be on personal time
-great plot developments for my story when I’m at work
-being flooded with ideas right before bed
-remembering errands when the store is closed
Often the ideas are neat and get me energized which then distracts me from what has to be done. I tried carrying a notebook with me which worked except when I was driving and until I forget the notebook. It’s very frustrating.
I think it's cuz our brains are still processing stuff we've been thinking of, even when we're currently not conscious of it. Like when your computer downloads stuff "in the background" and then interrupts you with a "ding" to let you know.
PS With all this background mind downloading my nano story is going to be awesome.