Rate the Fun: List of Reviewed Games

Rate the Fun is an attempt to share my thoughts on the board games I am discovering, playing, loving, and even hating.  

Games That Have Been Rated:
Pandemic with On the Brink = 9.3
Tiny Epic Kingdoms = 8.5
Love Letter = 7.8
Timeline =7.6
Oz Fluxx = 7.5
Hanabi = 6.8

The Rules:
  • For a game to be rated I must have played it a minimum three times.
  • Expansions reviews will be included with the base game. If I play an expansion after a games been reviewed then I'll add the new information and repost.
  • Order of game reviews are subject to my interest and may or may not be in alphabetical order.
The Scale*
10 = Outstandingly Awesome Game; Always want to play it and I expect this will never change.
9 = Excellent Game; Always want to play it.
8 = Very good game; I like to play. Probably I'll suggest it and I'll never turn down a game.
7 = Good game; Usually willing to play.
6 = Okay game; There is some element of fun or challenge; will play sporadically if in the right mood.
5 = Fair game; Slightly boring or not fun for me. I can take it or leave it.
4 = Not so good; It doesn't get me but I could be talked into it on occasion.
3 = Bad; Likely won't play this again but could be convinced.
2 = Extremely annoying game; Won't play this ever again.
1 = Clearly broken; You won't catch me dead playing this.

*Ratings are subject to change. If, for instance, I love a game but if everyone I know hates it and I never get play the rating could fall. Or if I'm "mleh" about a game but everyone loves it or it is a good social game the rating could grow.

Games To Be Rated:
Catan Card Game (2 players)
Dutch Blitz
Escape: The Curse of the Temple
Forbidden Desert
Le Havre: The Inland Port (2 players)
Hive (2 players)
Jambo (2 players)
Lost Cities (2 players)
Once Upon a Time
Race for the Galaxy
The Resistance and/or Avalon
The Settlers of Catan
Star Fluxx
Thurn and Taxis
To Court the King
Zombie Dice
