Lack of Links

There are times I have guilt for not having a link list. For a long time it was due to my ignorance web-stuff and such. Now its part laziness part not sure who add. I read a lot of blogs really the best link lists are Robin or Matthew’s and I don’t want to steal from them…so just go visit their blogs.


Robin said…
Go read Matt's recent entry about his blogroll. There's a website where you can set up your list and it will automatically notify you of a change by putting a star beside updated sites. I'm sure it's just a matter of copying and pasting code.
Jo said…
i agree they have the best link lists for everyone bethany.

it's hard to know who to add. i would add more to mine, but ...

basically i add those people who have either commented on my blog or who have initiated linking to me first, b/c quite frankly, i'm acutely aware that not everyone likes me. ;)
Xaven said…
Hurray for links! I'm two for two! Thanks for the support guys.
matthew said…
my policy now is i don't add anyone w/o asking first (or being asked). I think the list is about 75 now. I'd say there are probably 35 fairly active bbc bloggers