Thankful Thursdays #3

It’s been a week of memories. It has been a dream come true for Lee-Ann. I am thankful for…

-Being with my family everyday.
-Give Kids the World, an amazing place of dreams and wonder. We’ve been staying in one of there villas all week. More to come about this amazing place next week.
-Volunteers and just the willingness of others to help
-Ice Cream…lots and lots of ice cream…
-Breakfast. I have come to love breakfast, especially when I have the option of waffles with strawberries and whipped cream every morning.
-All the sea creatures, they are so majestic. We were at Sea World today. It was neat.
-Laughter and smiles of children.
-Skipping with my sister.
-Ice Cream. I really like it.


matthew said…
i am glad you are having a good time. hope to talk to you soon :)
Anonymous said…
welcome back liz! sounds like a fabulous time!
Sarah Beth said…
I'm glad the time went so well for you. Welcome back!