More Than A Bonsai #5

There has been no bonsai wisdom the past to weeks due to life. While I was away one of the students spoke. Last week snow and ice paused the planning, which is why we are only on:

Bonsai Principle #5: Aim for predictability

Bonsai believers look and act within a known guideline. They know the Christianize and the right actions. The growth is predictable. It is controlled for specific known results. The finished product has an appearance of a strong Christian whose weathered life’s struggles. All package nicely with a simple seven-step plan that you too can follow for the same results. The outside looks alive and growing but the inside is dead.

"The goal should be not to make everyone look and act like each other but to help us all become more like Christ. We can be Christlike whether we are dressed in a suit and tie, buckskin and fathers, or black leather and pikes. It has little to do with our style and almost everything to do with our heart and the freedom we give the creative hand of God to work in our lives."

Following Jesus is unpredictable. Our journeys are different, the struggles are personal, the joy are unique. It fits with the person God made us to be, which is beyond anything we could ever imagine. Yay for God, who is bigger then my ideas and plans and who desires for me to be more than just another cookie-cutter, dye-lot, bonsai believer.

*The quote and inspiration comes from Eric Sandras’ book Buck Naked Faith published by Navpress.


Missy said…
I am so glad you are enjoying this book!
Elizabeth said…
I am, thank you for lending it to me. I finished it yesterday so I'll be able to return it to you next week.