February 33 Challenge

The end of the 33 While 33 challenge is almost year. There will be one more check in before the last day and finial evaluation on April 25th. This year has been the most successful birthday-bucket-list-challenge yet; my average has been half the challenges in the past. And there are only 11 challenges to complete in the next 57 days. I can do that.

I've organized the progress evaluation a little different this time. I've group challenges together based on their status under a status heading. The numbers match the original order of the challenges. This is how things stand:

Challenges Completed Since January's Review -2
10. Remember Birthdays
17. Learn a new skill
Challenges Yet to be Started -4
2. Paint the canvas
16. Create a photo book
28. Be flexible
30. Send one of my works of fiction to a publisher
Challenges Started/In Process -7
3. Read the whole Bible
4. Finish 11 non-fiction books
9. Plan a trip
11. Mail letters
23. Grow something
24. Be a vegetarian for 30 days
31. Do something I've been putting off
Completed Challenges -20
1. Choose a "My One Word" to focus my 33rd year: Abide
5. Go some place new
6. Serve/help/volunteer in a new way
7. Capture Happiness every day
8. Count my blessings
12. Visit my Grandma Stewart
13. Build a snowman with my sister
14. Take a hot air balloon ride with my mum
15. Go for a hike in the woods 
18. Make a new friend
19. Reconnect with past friends
20. Dance
21. Try a new food
22. Draw
25. Sleep under the stars
26. Celebrate an obscure or odd "holiday"
27. Send flowers
29. Get lost in a corn maze
32. Host a murder mystery
33. Go on a date
22 challenges completed! That leaves 7 challenges in progress and 4 to start. If my math is correct, I need to complete a challenge every five days for the next 57 be be finished on April 25. I am confident most of the challenges will be finished, expect 3, 4, 16 and maybe 24 and 30. We shall see.
