Friday's Five

1. What song frequently gets stuck in your head?
Share the Well by Caedmon's Call or one of the kid's songs from Sunday morning
2. Choose one line from a song that sums up your life thus far.
Not really such but at the moment I think maybe:
“Now I live and I breathefor an audience of one, 'cause Iknow this journey is my own”
-Sara Groves, This Journey Is My Own
3. Do you have one all-time favorite song (if so, what is it?) or do you skip around?
I skip around, right now the three CDs I’m listening to the most are:

Share the Well -Caedmon's Call
Conversations -Sara Groves
Without Condition -Ginny Owens
4. How do you listen to music most often (pod, radio, etc)?
5. American Idol: fantastic show or overrated?
It’s okay, I’ve followed some seasons and others not so much.
What are you five answer to these musical questions?


Steph said…
i miss you a lot
Anonymous said…
hey, just wandering through bbc blogs and thought it was funny some of your side/panely/titles were like mine a.k.a. "leftovers" etc. haha.
Unknown said…
Hey I thought i would list my answers:
1. Transyvanian concubine (Rasputina)and Pie Jesu (Andrew Llyod webber)

2. Changes but for now "I'm just a dreamer Dreaming my Life a way"

3. all time favorite song: I'm just a Dreamer by Ozzey Ozborn

4. CD, radio

5. American Idol is a tad overrated.
Jecca said…
1. i listen to such an array that it's rare for a particular song to get stuck for more than a day

2. "He is there, waiting/He is there, chasing/He is there changing all your life into a song/He is there, waiting/He is there, giving/He is there, loving all of you, all along/Hope is there." -"Day Before Damascus" by Tara Leigh Cobble

3. I have many favorite songs, but my all-time favorite song is "Skyline Drive" by Mae.

4. computer, ipod, cd

5. I like it when there are decent singers on.