The Waiting Game

I’m flying home today, “home” being where my extend family live in Ontario not “home” to see my parents and sister in Winnipeg.

It is 12:30 right now. The flight leaves at 4:45. I need to be at the airport at 3:30ish. It is about an hour drive so I should leave by 2:30; I am planning on leaving at 2:00. By the time I hit post on this blog entry I’ll have just over and hour to wait. It isn’t enough time to really start anything and everything I was going to do before I left is done. I am a little too jumpy to read and to antsy to eat. I should eat. What am I going to do for an hour?

Waiting is difficult.


Dena said…
Oh, Mouse, you are too cute. Have a great time "home".