45 Before 45: Challenges 21 to 25
It is day five of planning the goals for my next birthday challenge, 45 Before 45. This is the half way point of posting five challenges a day, from June 11-19, until all 45 goals have been introduced.
Today's five challenges are different from the other forty that will be on the list yet very similar to each other. They are designed to embrace and celebrate the season through things I love like decorating, clothes, food, music, and activities. Having these seasonal goals allows me to live with intention during the season and help transition myself between seasons. Yes, I know there are only four seasons. I am including Christmas as a season because it has its own rhythm and traditions separate from winter.
I see each season as having three phases: First is preparing to welcome the new season. This would be cleaning the space and area for the new season, pulling out the packed away seasonal items such as décor items, candles, mugs, and seasonal capsule wardrobe. There is also writing out the seasons dream list of to dos. And last finding or making a season playlist.
Second is enjoying the season, completing goals and activities on the dream list, listening to the playlist, and reading books that match the season's vibe.
Finally is the ending of the season well by carefully packing away the seasonal items till the next year. This will overlap a little with preparing the house for the new season.
The Birthday Challenges 21-25
21) Spring
- Bronze: preparing my home for spring and creating a matching spring dream to-do list once.
- Silver: preparing my home for spring and creating a matching spring dream to-do list twice.
- Gold: Completing at least half the items on both the 2025 and 2026 spring dream to-do list.
- Bronze: preparing my home for summer and creating a matching summer dream to-do list once.
- Silver: preparing my home for summer and creating a matching summer dream to-do list twice.
- Gold: Completing at least half the items on both the 2024 and 2025 summer dream to-do list.
23) Autumn
Autumn begins Sunday, September 22nd 2024 and Monday, September 22nd, 2025.
- Bronze: preparing my home for autumn and creating a matching autumn dream to-do list once.
- Silver: preparing my home for autumn and creating a matching autumn dream to-do list twice.
- Gold: Completing at least half the items on both the 2024 and 2025 autumn dream to-do list.
24) Christmas
The festive season begins the first Sunday of Advent, Christmas begins on the 25th and lasts till January 5th. The First Sunday in 2024 is Sunday, December 1st and in 2025 it is Sunday, November 30th, 2025.
- Bronze: preparing my home for Christmas and creating a matching Christmas dream to-do list once.
- Silver: preparing my home for Christmas and creating a matching Christmas dream to-do list twice.
- Gold: Completing at least half the items on both the 2024 and 2025 Christmas dream to-do list.
25) Winter
Winter technically begins in December, but for these challenges the transition will be January 6th until spring.
- Bronze: preparing my home for winter and creating a matching winter dream to-do list once.
- Silver: preparing my home for wither and creating a matching winter dream to-do list twice.
- Gold: Completing at least half the items on both the 2025 and 2026 winter dream to-do list.