Last Day

I love birthdays! I love having birthdays, and others birthdays, and birthday cards, and birthday gift shopping, and birthday cake (mine or others). I love birthdays! Birthday celebrations are amazingly fun. I start anticipating birthdays weeks, even months, in advance. This year has been no different. With the 30 Before 30 Challenges the thought that this is my last year in the 20s has been continually in the back of my mind. Which is better than my father who told me in February that he's been telling people for months that I am already 30...I'm not I still have four hours.

The birthday week started last Monday with the tea and the girls. From there the joy has continued to grow. LIFE IS GRAND! Each day, each hour, each moment has been a delight even when the emotions haven't agreed. And today, this last day of being 29, my last day in my 20s has been no different. It included sleeping in, lunch with a friend, buying of flowers, books, and shampoo, reading and naps, followed by a Best Word writing group meeting. It has been a wondrously grand day.

"Who has more fun than people!"
-my Grandpa Willson


Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Liz I'm glad you've been having a wonderful week leading up to the main event. Your dad can still pull your leg even from Ontario. Wishing you a great day tomorrow (1 hr.) Grandpa's words sure ring true also. Your absent minded Aunt has sent your gift late as usual. Enjoy the day. Love you
Aunt Sharon
nuchtchas said…
2011 is the year of AWESOME, so of course you turned 30 this year. Go you! I'm glad I got to know you this year and can't wait to see what the future holds for you, I'm betting it'll be more AWESOME :)