Trock Thursdays: Do You Want to Steal a TARDIS

Welcome to another week of Trock Thursday! For those new to my blog or the Doctor Who fandom, "TROCK" is a term used to define fan made songs about Doctor Who. It stands for Time Lord Rock, similar to the Wizard Rock which are songs and parodies inspired by Harry Potter.

I have waste hours on YouTube watching parody and original song videos. There are so many great song out there that every Thursday of the Whovian Countdown I will be sharing a different song.

Today's Trock is a parody of "Do You Want to Build a Snowman" from Frozen sung by North Rory. First verse written by tumblr user davidtennantssideburns (who also put together the picture) second and third by North Rory as "Do You Want to Steal a TARDIS"

The BBC's digital Doctor Who 2015 Advent Calendar.
Countdown Till Star Wars: 7 sleeps
Countdown Till Christmas Special Airs: 15 sleeps
Countdown Till This Whovian sees the Christmas Special: 16 sleeps


Amai said…
Yes, yes I do.

And yet when it happened on screen in the last episode I didn't like it.

Which says something about me I guess...