Monday at Camp

Preparations for the church’s annual morning day camp (VBS) have consumed most of the past two months and all of last week. Now we are in a wirlwind of fun. The theme is summer camp; with crazy themes each day. Monday was all about the campfire. What I like is the theme is tied to a huge game which ties into the memory verse. Campfires provide light and Jesus is the light (John 12:46).

The first day was good but also full of disappointments. Crafts and surprises haven’t worked as expected. People who volunteered didn’t show. But a few troubles have turned into secret blessings. Based on last year’s numbers we planned for 50 children…we had 15. The smaller group means a more intimate feel; relationships grow better. I also made some major changes to the format so having few children actually has helped everyone adjust. The other bad-turned-blessings is the rain. It’s been dreary overcast days with off and on rain and will be all week. It’s hard to have a high energy, fun, outdoor campfire in the rain. The blessing is that four children who are signed up for outdoor swimming lessons are able to cone when it rains. Rain means more participation. Yay! Even the frustrations that I haven’t seen a blessing in have worked out.
So camp is in full swing. Monday was campfire. Tuesday was Water Wars (I’ll post about it tomorrow) and Wednesday will be chocolate covered kids. I leave you with a clip from our marshmallow relay.
