So You Think You Can Dance: Week 2

Who do you vote off when they are all good? This week the Top 18 performed...
...and I find it hard comparing pairs. Each dancer is great or they wouldn't be on the show. Each has a style they are good at and sometimes the luck of the draw gives them something they have never tried (Phillip's Tango). Then there is the difference of styles. And the greatest issue my own lack of dance knowledge. Some times I really like a piece and then the judges point out all the things they did wrong. Other times I hate a piece either because I don’t get the style, appreciate how difficult it is, or I just don’t like the couple and the judges rave about it. Still I rate:

My Top Three
1) Carla & Jonathan –Contemporary = 8.6
2) Asuka & Vitolio –Waltz = 8.4
3) Melissa & Ade –Jazz = 8.2

Middle Three
4) Randi & Evan – Jive =7.9
5) Kayla & Max –Pop Jazz =7.7
6) Janette & Brandon –Disco =7.5

Bottom Three
7) Caitlin & Jason –Hip Hop =7.4
8) Ashley & Kupono –Hip Hop =7.3
9) Jeanine & Phillip –Tango =7.2

I think contemporary is my preferred style. This is the second week it was my top routin. I really liked this weeks choreographer, a Canadian, she created a beautiful dance.

The actual bottom three is going to be interested because my bottom couples has at least one early favourite. They will get votes just because of who they are. Phillip struggled the most but seems to be the most loved. Janette and Brandon will be in the top three…I just don’t care for them I except them to go to at least the top ten.


Tina Joy said…
I am totally watching this season. I love this show! I agree with your assessment although last night I think my favorite was the waltz. Contemporary was right up there, but there was something about the passion in the waltz that gave me chills.
Unknown said…
I was torn between the two...I back and forth on which would be top. If I saw them again I might switch my choice. It was so good.