Make It Monday: Tis the Season

The Christmas Craft fairs are upon us. There were a number of sales in the area this past weekend and more in the coming days. I stopped by Horton High School’s 13th annual craft fair on Saturday. I love exploring the wares at craft sales. Who knows when you will discover that perfect gift? One girl was selling some giant frog, flower, and pumpkin shaped shortbread cookies beautifully iced in vivid colours, another table had homemade candles, still another hand painted tree ornaments. I picked up some wonderful gifts leaving only two gifts left to find (or make) and many in progress gifts to finish. This coming weekend I’ll be helping with the previously mentioned Ten Thousand Villages gift sale.

If you can’t make it out to a sale or crowds turn you off but you would still like to give something homemade try, there really is something for everyone.
