Speaking to Life

“Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.” Ephesians 4:2

Our church is working through a series together called “Beefesians,” which is actually Kidmo curriculum we are using for everyone…sort of. The lessons are “B” thoughts from the book of Ephesians. We’ve gone through “Belong” and “Believe.” This week was “Be Patient.”

First, the fact that “patient” (verb) and “patient” (a person) are the same but “patience” and “patients” are spelt different is just cruel.
Second, it is so funny that this was the topic for youth tonight. You know the saying “don’t ask for patience…” yay its true. I was going through my message talking about how everyone is created uniquely by God. It is those differences that make us special. We need to allow for others differences and try to see their perspective out of love in order to live like Jesus. That was the whole thing “be patient with others in love.”

The whole time I was speaking (all five minutes) a group of guys were throwing paper and toothpicks at each other, someone was interrupting me to ask questions, a group of girls were gossiping about something at school, people were having staring contest, and one girls was yelling for everyone to stop staring at her. My patience was tested tonight.

For this Thursday I am thankful for my calm leaders and for surviving, and for the few who cared. Also glad this patience was this week’s message, I got to live it as I spoke it.
