Best Laid Plans of Mice and Writers

It is a writing group night and I am so excited! Writing group nights are always fun but a few weeks back Justine and I planned out ideas for the year and worked out the details for an up coming group project. Tonight we'll be sharing the ideas with the group. Again, I am so excited! These are the plans:

2012: The Year Ahead
We have a different theme every month. Our first meeting is an informational/workshop night and the second meeting we share what we've created.
January: New stars and/or Revision
February: Description
March: "Oceans and Orchards" Challenge ht
April: Poetry. Did you know that April is National Poetry Month?
May: Revision & Editing
June: New Audience. The idea is for each person to try a different audience so a children's book, or YA, or if the writer normally does YA they will try adult fiction. Should be interesting.
July & August: Grab Bag challenges
September: Action scenes
* October: TBA Justine will be organizing October's month.
November: NaNoWriMo
December: The TGIO party and The Golden Apple

The BIG project this year is the first ever Bestword Anthology. Yep over the next few months we're going to compile our best poems, flash fiction, and short stories. The theme is our local area "oceans and orchards". I am so excited for this.

I love my writing group!


Unknown said…
I love hearing about your writing group, makes me wish I had one.