More Than a Bonsai #2

Bonsai Principle #2: Pick an attractive pot*

For Bonsai artists choosing the right pot takes careful consideration. It must be the right size to maintain the effect. The ratio is about 80 percent tree to 20 percent container. This limits the depth of the roots and the chance of the plant receiving proper amounts of water. At the same time the pot must be pretty, showing off bonsai without being tacky, after all image is everything.

Bonsai believers plant themselves in churches and communities that are miles wide and inches deep. Real life comes from embracing the power of community. The pot we are in is more then the bricks of the church we attend. I have a little AVB (Acapella Vocal Band) playing in my head:

You can go to a building,
You can sit in a pew,
but you can't go to church,
cause the church is You.

The relationships we choose and the depth of our communities affects whether we survive or thrive. As Eric Sandras wrote, "Healthy community breeds healthy followers of Christ."

*The quotes, ratios and inspiration comes from Eric Sandras’ book Buck Naked Faith published by Navpress.
