Movie Stats, New Things, and a Finale

I've recently fallen in love with Stars Hollow. I didn't watch Gilmore Girls when it was on the air; but have been borrowing the seasons from my local library. I love the show! Just Christmas I watched the seventh season but stopped just before the final two episodes (dvds had to go back the the library). The last thing I saw Logan was asking permission to marry Rory.

I've been dying to know what happens. Tonight my friend Tabby and I are getting together (+her husband) for supper and to watch the last episodes. It's bittersweet. I love to watch the show with a friend BUT...I hate for the story to end of knowing there will be no more funny Kirkisms, crazy antics of Taylor or odd pop culture references. But with an end comes some new beginnings. Theese are a few of the new things I've found this month:

  1. A thinking game: Rubik Round Up I can solve it in 130 seconds.
  2. A new book: I've started the read Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë in the 1800s not "new" but it is my first time reading it.
  3. A new sight: Stuff Christians Like I can't stop laughing.
  4. A new project: Felted Slippers which a friend has commissioned me to make. I have had a slight set back. My test square was off (it 9s to 4" but was 14s to 4"). I need larger needles. Once I have share more.

I've already shared 2009 book stats here are the movie stats:

Movies Watched:
2009 -90 movies
2008 -104 movies

Animated Movies:
2009 -15 movies
2008 16 movies

2009 Stats:
Highest Viewing Month – December: 19 movies (7 were with my sister a.k.a. Barbie movies or similar to that, 5 were Christmas special, 3 were with family at theatres, and 2 on the plane)
Lowest Viewing Month –November: 2 movies thanks to nanowrimo.

2010 Movie Goals:
Only to watch to 84 movies = 7 movies a month


matthew said…
i am very impressed that you kept such accurate stats!

And I'm glad you have enjoyed GG, truly one of the better shows on tv
Elizabeth said…
It was such a good TV night but I am sad it is over the show didn't feel done.

And thanks for the stats comment, its fun knowing how much I watch, what I watched more than once and when I watch.
Steph said…
Jane Eyre is my favortest book ever. I hope you love it. We can watch the BBc version when you come visit me....
Elizabeth said…
That would be wonderful, I can't wait to see you!