Soup (and games) Sunday

Long time back, Kim and Brent shared about their last church's "Soup Sundays." Once a month people would bring in crock pots of soup and after church people would gather and chat over a lunch of soups. For clean up a sink was filled with dish soap and hot water and everyone was expected to wash up their own dishes. It sounds like a great way for people to connect. The topic of having a Soup Sunday at New Hope (my church) has often come up, mostly while we're playing games, with the added idea of hosting a family games day after the meal.

Tomorrow after church we are having our first "Soup Sunday." Lunch will be about 12:30pm and then people can stay to play games. Looking forward to the games, even the soup -I like soup, BUT I forgot that Soup Sunday was this week. I haven't done things I need to do to be ready. The biggest issue right now is I need to bring a soup. There is nothing in my house that could be thrown together to make soup. I've done what every other person who has never used a crock pot -I googled possible recipes. I've found one that looks easy. It is called "Easy Potato Soup." I think I am going to make a few modifications. As soon as this is posted I am off to the grocery store to pick up the nessessary ingedients. I'll let you know how the cooking goes.
