Day 10: Ranking of Season Seven Clara Episodes

I've been working through series seven of Doctor Who, the last days of the Ponds and the mystery of the Impossible Girl. This is my first rewatch since they originally aired in 2012-2013, which is a little strange, I've seen the pervious seasons multiple times. I realize this is my opinion, maybe you share it maybe you don't, but it was a lackluster.

The great Moffett mystery of the series was "who is Clara?" I remember having a fan-theory that I loved, Clara was River Song post CAL trying to reconnect with the Doctor. Each episode I waited for evidence that I was right or wrong. I read fan articles for other Clara possibilities. I was disappointed with what the show gave us. It felt very much like when Dorothy and her friends discovering who was behind the curtain. And without that tension (knowing the reveal) makes the individual episodes less. And there isn't really anything to Clara's character. There is little character growth and her best episodes were the ones she died.

Here is my ranking of the first 10 Clara episodes. The order might change slightly in the future. I haven't rewatched yet are The Name of the Doctor and Nightmare in Silver, my thoughts on the episodes might change.

10) The Name of the Doctor
This was a let down. After the hype of season, the tension of visiting Trenzalore, the promise of the greatest mystery of Whovian history being answered. Nothing really happened. I didn't even find the problem of getting out of the time-scare was answered. There were cool moments, I love any episode with River Song or Vastra, Penny, and Stax, seeing all the past doctors was great, the reveal on the War Doctor was awesome. But ultimately disappointing, especially the Great Intelligence after the earlier encounters in The Snowmen and The Bells of Saint John.

9) Nightmare in Silver
The adding of the children felt bizarre and out of place. My memory was that it seemed to set up for a story arch that got cut at the last minute. Again, there were neat moments but it wasn't as good as past encounters with the Cybermen.

8) Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
I watched this episode this week with friends. As the credits started, the group reaction was, "what was the point of that?" The solution was "big friendly button" how does that even work? Beyond that it got some messy plot hole moments. I think my favourite moments were the TARDIS not getting along with Clara and seeing the pool.

7) The Rings of Akhaten
I've rearranged the order of these next four a few times. They each have shining moments, elements that are interesting and I wished the writers had explored. For the Rings I loved exploring a new planet, meeting the Queen of Ages, and that song. The trouble was all these episodes feel like a bate and switch, or they had two story concepts and mashed them together hoping they would fit.

6) The Bells of Saint John
I loved the set up. I loved the book Easter egg. I wanted to love this episode. As I said in point seven, felt like two different stories being told together.

5) Cold War
I liked the professor. I think that is the reason this episode is at the half way point on the list.

4) The Crimson Horror
The best point of the episode was it had Vastra, Penny, and Stax. There were also fun moments. Though none jump to my mind. That is something each of these episodes have in common, there are good moments but nothing truly stands out. There is no, "Don't Blink" or even "always bring a banana to a party."

3) Hide
This is another one of those two stories in one, only it felt intentional and real. The twist fit the story. The only complaint from the friends I watched it with was that it felt like it was trying too hard to be Blink.

2) The Snowmen
I really like this Christmas Special, again it is partly because of Vastra, Penny, and Stax. It felt like a true reaction for the Doctor after the loss of the Ponds (which outside their contract was up the Doctor not being able to rescue them still annoys me especially with the lengths 12 goes to in series 9). There are rememberable moments: the using the umbrella to pull down the ladder, Clara saying "it's smaller on the outside," and the one word answer of Pond. It was knit together well. Also killer snow was great, I love how every Christmas this show makes me afraid of something I love about the season.

1) Asylum of the Daleks
I think this is my favourite Jenna Coleman episode. I loved her introduction, her spunk, her resilience, and her intelligence. Oswin had so much promise and her sacrifice made her all the more endearing. I will rewatch.

I feel like I've been too harsh, I really love this show, this was a weak season. Do you agree with my list? Do you have a different take on the season as a whole or an individual episode? Leave a comment. Also in my adventures I found this prelude to The Bells of Saint John and the Name of the Doctor. It actually improves my opinion of Clara:

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