Day 6: Wednesday Weekly Art #4
The Whovian Christmas Special Countdown meets the Wednesday Weekly Art.
The inspiration for the sketch came from Doctor Who: Travels in Time Colouring Book. It is a bit of a departure for me, or maybe more of a return. I have not attempted a portrait since high school art class.
I am not sure it turned out. I asked my mom and Sister if they could tell who I was attempting to draw. They couldn't. That might be because the picture isn't close enough to the character or it might be because they wouldn't be able to name if it was a photo. I will through it to you, who is this? Harder question can you name(guess) what Christmas special it is from? Leave your answers in the guess:
It is one of my best portraits ever. Portraits scare me so I normally avoid them. There will probably be two more this month. I always worry that even if the picture is good the sketch doesn't depict the original subject. Looking at the photo of the sketch I am annoyed with how the eyes turned out. But overall I am happy with it.
If you are looking for a way to keep updated on daily posts join the Whovian Christmas Special Countdown facebook group.
The BBC's official Doctor Who 2017 Adventure Calendar
Countdown Till Christmas Special Airs: 19 sleeps
Countdown Till This Whovian (probably) sees the Christmas Special: 21 sleeps
Yesterday's Countdown Post: Day 5: Tuesday Tutorial -Starry Night TARDIS Mug
Episodes Watched: ...none today