Day 8: A Mini and Christmas Greetings

I was writing up a ranking of Clara's episodes of series seven, when I found minis I had never seen before. It is exciting, I love finding older clips that add to the series arches.

I'm going to spread the clips out over the next few days. I often wonder where these clips are first shown. I have never seen them before the episodes they prequel air. I probably need to spend more time on the BBC sight.

This first one is called Clara and the TARDIS.

And my favourite weekly tradition, another Christmas bumper from 2009,

If you are looking for a way to keep updated on daily posts join the Whovian Christmas Special Countdown facebook group. 
The BBC's official  Doctor Who 2017 Adventure Calendar
Countdown Till Christmas Special Airs: 17 sleeps
Countdown Till This Whovian (probably) sees the Christmas Special: 19 sleeps
Yesterday's Countdown Post: Day 7: Colouring, Clara, and TROCK
Episodes Watched: ...None
