Sunday Scribbles: "The Date"

Girls’ night yesterday ended up just being Gina and me watching the made for TV movie See Jane Date. It was a cliché chick lit heroine’s quest for a boyfriend and journey of self-discovery. It was the perfect fluff for our moods. We laughed and talked, yet between our running commentary on the show I found myself becoming jealous of Jane. Her dates were all horrible disasters, but at least she had a social life and the opportunity to meet people. My location makes it difficult to meet single guys, I haven’t met one in the past year.

Am I doomed? Jane has this great moment of clarity near the end of the movie when she declares in tears that she is no less of a woman or success just because she lacks a man. She is content to just be her –a single girl. I am too...except when I forget. Even though I have my New Year Challenge to "go on a date," I fear these might be the only dates I get this year:

For more "Dates" visit Sunday Scribbles.


paisley said…
you are so not alone in your quest....

"note to david"
Tumblewords: said…
I doubt you are the only one that has only the wrinkled dates for company. Thoughtful post!
Unknown said…
I know exactly what you mean. I am perfectly content to be exactly where i am... and then i have to get up really early and thing oh wouldn't it be nice if there was someone to put the coffee on for me.
Well, if all fails you've still got your dates!
Anonymous said…
One is often better than a pair - be happy!