Daily Writing Warm-Up #25

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words 
Time: 15 min

Use the picture below to inspire your warm-up writing. Set a timer for 15 minutes and write. Tell the story of what is happening in the image. Or use it to inspire a new story. For an added challenge try and write it as a short story in 1000 words.

Thank you to Aurora-Lee for permission to use her photo.

Ski Bunnies?


Elizabeth said…
I had no idea what to write when I started this morning. I was even regretting the picture choice. However as I wrote this neat character emerged. It was an older woman competing in her first cross-country race and her journey to get here. I didn't make it to 1000 words but I did have fun writing. It was a good warm up and got me in the head space for more writing.

Also, I realized I am still in the running for the gold level. I'm at 20 of 25 written prompts.