The Simple Woman's Daybook 44

FOR TODAY: January 23, 2011
You can find the more daybooks at Simple Woman's Daybook.

Outside my window...a snowy and gray forest landscape.

I am thinking...about cleaning tips (just finished Simple country wisdom : 501 old-fashioned ideas to simplify your life by Susan Waggoner), the up coming Sunday morning, steam-punk, the family vacation just around the corner (I still have a few details to take care of), and how far behind the 90-day Bible reading I am.

I am thankful for...friends.

From the kitchen...been slipping back into some old habits this past week, going to refocus on eating veggies and making meals at home.

I am tan "vegan-friendly" (+1 Jess Point) shoes by Simple and black with colourful polka-dots dress with a coral sweater.

I am creating...a clutter free home -it's slow going.

I am going...first to worship God.

I am reading...Fiction on Fire, In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day, Radiant Shadows, Safe House and Leviathan (audio).

I am catch up on my Bible reading plan

I am hearing...just the computer run

Around the house...going to tackle the office/storage room this week that has thing piled too high.

One of my favorite things...home cooked meals

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...


Jecca said…
thanks for the tip about Simple. I had never heard of them, but I might have to get a pair, they're so cute! How do you like them for comfort and wearability?

I'm behind on MOHL too, but am reading every day, which is really the main goal for me. I've decided to skip Leviticus till probably the end because I think it will hinder me from continuing not vegan-friendly. :(
Elizabeth said…
I like the shoes now, they took a few weeks to break in. I think they are now my standard go to pair.

I might also skip Leviticus, I find the laws are hard to get through.