Thankful Thursdays #33

I drove home tonight anything but thankful. I was talking to God about it and searching for the joys of the week through tainted glass, upset by a minor thing that felt major. The idea came that it might be a case of faking till it was true. I didn’t want my thanksgiving just reason. I wondered if this was one of those times you need to be thankful even in the wasteland. I was just asking God that question when I saw the smoke of a warehouse just a km from my place. The closer the more noticeable the blaze became. The fire changed my thoughts.

Tonight I have a place to sleep, food to eat, friends to visit with, a job I love. The things I forget to notice matter the most. Today I am thankful that God is in my life. Everything good comes from him.


Steph said…
thank you for that reminder, i needed it