This Day

Nothing went as expected today. When does life ever go as planned? It’s been a normal week of ups and downs but for whatever reason the downs have been holding a firmer grasp in my memory and setting the tone for all other things that might go wrong.

This morning I overslept, it was a case of last night thinking I was turning on the alarm while I was actually turning it off. It made getting out the door looking presentable a hectic task. And then I remembered the youth were coming to my house after church and nothing was ready, there were dishes in the sink, the litter box wasn’t changed because the store I buy litter from closed early last night, there was nothing to feed the youth because the same store closed early last night, and the cats had knocked over a plant while I was sleeping. How was everything going to get done? There were tears and prayer followed by almost tears and desperate pleas to God. Even when I made it to the church and wonderful people were helping set up I felt like I was behind and messing up. Everything in my head kept rushing around causing traffic jams of thoughts. The thinking dug up the inadequacy I felt Thursday night and built on it. The end result was doubt and frustration. Seemed the day couldn’t get any worst….

…and it didn’t. Somewhere from the moment I told God I can’t do this to the start of the service everything changed or at least things in my head did and if that was all that change it was enough. The day was good. And this is when the unexpected surprise came in. It’s Pastor Appreciation Sunday, which is connected with Pastor Appreciation Month. I had expected a finger food type fellowship after the service and maybe a card. I was surprised. Speechless. Wow. The congregation had given gift baskets to Scott’s family and me. Shari (Sr. Pastor’s wife) and I both were given a dozen roses…I got roses. Beautiful pink ROSES! And the best was the cards of encouragement from the church family included in the gift. I counted 22 cards. In a week when I was discouraged God provided away to be pulled out of it. It was not the day I expected.


Elizabeth said…
Oh, and because of the church lunch the youth didn't come so it is okay that the place was a disaster.
Lou Laughlin said…
It is amazing how when you think things are really bad, and you are never going to recover... something amazing happens and it works out.

I could tell you stories about how I was in some jam (financial or otherwise) and I couldn't see any way out, but somehow the problem gets resolved, avoided, made lighter, or best yet, turned around into something good.

He does watch out for us, and take care of us, even when we lose faith, because He never loses faith.
