Gratitude Challenge: Day 29

This was our last full day in Nova Scotia. Tomorrow we start the journey back home. We in many more visits, ice cream, and one mass meal with 20 friends. It was a day full of blessing!

I am thankful for...

  1. ice cream
  2. Mahala
  3. shared meals. Alex and I have been splitting meals and it allows me to both save money while actually finishing the whole meal.
  4. sushi
  5. new games...even when I lose
57 Sleeps till Christmas
143 Sleep till Breakout (Game Con 1)
180 Sleeps till 39
248 Sleeps till King Con (Game Con 2)
256 Sleeps till Wedding!!!
288 Sleeps till Germany
317 Sleeps till Ottawa Comic Con
545 Sleeps till 40
