The 30 Day Survival Plan

I love NaNoToons. This one made me giggle, well they all made me giggle, but I'll share this one because it is about a stressed out ML:
I'll admit it, I freak out. I'm trying to keep calm but there is a lot going on this month. Everything is happening this month. My goals, beyond completing a novel and being the best ML possible, making sure the cats get feed, there is no science experiments growing in my fridge, and that I don't completely burn out. In past years I've armed self with chocolate, tea, and many phone calls to my mum (she talks me out of panic mode). I do not thing these things will be enough this year. There is more on my plate and too many things I can't forget.

My solution: The 30 Day Survival Binder. The idea was not original with me, I discovered the FLYlady's Control Journal in August and adapted my binder to fit the next 30 days. My binder has everything in it. EVERYTHING -calendars, shopping lists, checklists, pep talks, lesson plans, daily routines, contact information, schedules, to do lists, and pictures that inspire me. If it is important then it has a section. So far is a section for:
  • all things NaNo related from ML duties (including keeping track of the great points race) to novel planning
  • general apartment care, cleaning routines, and the 20/20 home cure
  • menu planning and shopping lists
  • NaBloPoMo reminders and blogging ideas
  • Church details and reminders like children's Christmas musical, Trunk or Treat follow up and Youth Group
  • Christmas Planning
  • I need to add Hal-Con section and knitting projects.
I've been using the binder for the past two weeks and it have become a strange mix of security blanket and life line. I do not know how I would keep track of everything without the binder....wait I just wouldn't and the cats wouldn't get feed till December 1st. Don't get me wrong, I still need chocolate, calls to my mum, caffeine, chocolate, friends, downtime, games nights, and chocolate. I just need something to organize the rest of my life till November is over.The cats are thankful for the binder.

