Makeup Month! Day 10

This is not my first look of the day. There was a completely different look on for the morning storytime. It was simple with a nude lip and a light rosy neutral eye. And yet again forgot to take a picture. Then after supper I filmed a Kid's Time video for Sunday. It might be silly but I did a whole outfit change so my clothes matched what I plan to where on Sunday. My makeup needed more than a touch up so I changed the look. The lip was the same lip crayon I used yesterday and the eye shadow is from the same palette I used on Wednesday.

Something I haven't mentioned yet, all this week I've been using a M.A.C. shadow in Naked Lunch as a base this week. It is the only M.A.C product I own and I've had it years longer then the recommended length of time. I bought it because of a shadow set I got in Japan. It is this great shadow combination. One of my favourites and I used it most days while I was teaching. Confession, I also still have it...and it's been over 15 years, I'll wear it tomorrow to see if I still like it. The middle shade was being used up the fastest so a few years I took it into a M.A.C. shop to try and find something similar.
